Andrea Ferretti

Andrea Ferretti is senior researcher at CNR-NANO, Modena, Italy. He works in the field of condensed-matter and solid-state physics, performing ab initio simulations at the level of DFT and many-body perturbation theory. Current research interests focus on the first principles study of structural, electronic, and optical properties of materials, as well as in the development of advanced methodologies for the electronic structure problem, including Koopmans-compliant functionals and beyond GW approaches. He is author of more than 60 scientific publications on international peer-reviewed journals and developer of scientific software (including YAMBO, and QUANTUM ESPRESSO), directly working on their GPU porting.
Currently Andrea Ferretti is chair of the MaX executive committee.
Currently Andrea Ferretti is chair of the MaX executive committee.
Chemistry and Materials
Climate and Weather
Solid Earth Dynamics
Life Sciences