Chair in Physical Chemistry and Honorary Professor in Computer Science at University College London, as well as Professor Adjunct at Yale University School of Medicine (USA). He holds a Chair in Applied High Performance Computing at the University of Amsterdam and is a Member of the Academia Europaea. He is active in a broad area of interdisciplinary research much of which exploits high performance computing, including condensed matter physics and chemistry; materials science; and life science and medicine. He has led many large projects and is currently the PI on several large grants. These include, amongst others, Coordinator of the H2020 CompBioMed2 Centre of Excellence (2016-2019), the preceding CompBioMed (2016-2019), and the H2020 VECMA FET-HPC project (2018-2021). He has also been the recipient of several international supercomputing awards, which provide access to petascale computers, and of an Innovative Application of Artificial Intelligence Award from the American Association of Artificial Intelligence.
Interdisciplinary Dialogue
CS and Math
Emerging Applications
Chemistry and Materials
Climate and Weather
Solid Earth Dynamics
Life Sciences