Julien Dominski

Dr. Julien Dominski is a research physicist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. His research focuses on the application and development of gyrokinetic codes. After his Ph. D. at the Swiss Plasma Center (EPFL), where he explored the influence of passing electrons on electrostatic turbulence in tokamaks, he joined the the “High-Fidelity Whole Device Modeling of Magnetically Confined Fusion Plasmas” project as a member of the Exascale Computing Project at PPPL. Thhis project aims at delivering a simulation framework able to model the whole device on future exascale supercomputers with complex system of coupled codes. Dr Dominski the coupling of core and edge gyrokinetic codes and he also works on the multi-ion-species version of the XGC code. One of his interest concerns the physics of impurities and more particularly tungsten in ITER