Damian Rouson

Damian Rouson is the Group Lead for the Computer Languages and Systems Software (CLaSS) Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (“Berkeley Lab”). CLaSS studies, designs, and develops new parallel programming languages and execution environments, including compilers, libraries, and networking middleware. Damian’s research at Berkeley Lab explores the use of machine learning to accelerate predictions of climate change’s regional impacts using Fortran 2018 and UPC++. He also founded Sourcery, Inc. a research software engineering consultancy focused on modern Fortran, including modernizing legacy Fortran. Sourcery, Inc. has worked on software projects in domains ranging from particle-beam physics and nuclear energy to weather and climate science. He also founded Sourcery Institute, a California public-benefit nonprofit corporation granted 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status for research and education in computational science and engineering. Sourcery Institute offers training courses, publishes open-source course modules, and funds a Ph.D. fellowship at Cranfield University. He co-authored the textbook Scientific Software Design: The Object-Oriented Way (Cambridge University Press, 2011) and has taught related university courses and tutorials on Fortran 2018 and agile software development. He is an alternate member of the Fortran standards committee. He holds a B.S. from Howard University and an M.S. and Ph.D. from Stanford University, all in mechanical engineering.
Chair of Sessions