I am an aeronautical engineer with a PhD in applied mathematics and are currently a postdoctoral fellow at Politecnico di Milano. My research has been devised to fluid dynamics aspects involving strong interacting discontinuities and I focus in particular on numerical methodologies to investigate single- and multiphase flows ranging from modelling, numerical software development and applications.
I graduated in aeronautical engineering in 2013 at Politecnico di Milano with a thesis developed at the research center INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest in the framework of coastal engineering developing a numerical method for breaking waves.
From 2014 to 2018 I have been a PhD candidate at the University of Zurich under supervision of Prof. Dr. Abgrall where i developed high order methods for conservative and non-conservative formulations for single- and multiphase flows undergoing strong interacting discontinuities.
Right after my PhD I became a postdoctoral fellow at ETH in the VAW Laboratory under supervision of Dr. Vetsch, where I collaborated to the SNSF Sinergia Project «Lake Tsunamis» and worked on the evaluation, development and validation of numerical models
in the context of the generation, propagation and inundation of tsunami waves.
In November 2020 I became a research fellow at Politecnico di Milano under supervision of Prof. Dr. Guardone, to research, model and develop novel numerical techniques
for single- and multiphase flows with strong interacting discontinuities with an application to binary mixtures of organic fluids for renewable energy applications.
I graduated in aeronautical engineering in 2013 at Politecnico di Milano with a thesis developed at the research center INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest in the framework of coastal engineering developing a numerical method for breaking waves.
From 2014 to 2018 I have been a PhD candidate at the University of Zurich under supervision of Prof. Dr. Abgrall where i developed high order methods for conservative and non-conservative formulations for single- and multiphase flows undergoing strong interacting discontinuities.
Right after my PhD I became a postdoctoral fellow at ETH in the VAW Laboratory under supervision of Dr. Vetsch, where I collaborated to the SNSF Sinergia Project «Lake Tsunamis» and worked on the evaluation, development and validation of numerical models
in the context of the generation, propagation and inundation of tsunami waves.
In November 2020 I became a research fellow at Politecnico di Milano under supervision of Prof. Dr. Guardone, to research, model and develop novel numerical techniques
for single- and multiphase flows with strong interacting discontinuities with an application to binary mixtures of organic fluids for renewable energy applications.
CS and Math
Emerging Applications
Climate and Weather