
Lattice-Boltzmann Mesoscopic Fibrinolysis
DescriptionIschemic stroke disease is the 1st cause of disability and 3rd cause of death in civilized countries. Treatment options are thrombolysis and thrombectomy. The latter consists in the mechanical removal of the blood clot, through surgery. The former, consists in the chemical breakdown of the clot, by injecting a fibrin-lysing product, commonly called tPA. However, treatment success rates are still very low: only 30% of the patients will have fully recovered 3 months after treatment. Our goal is to better understand the thrombolysis process in patients, using numerical modeling and HPC simulations. We consider 3D Lattice Boltzmann flow simulations on top of which we add the processes of tPA transport and fibrin dissolution. Blood flow is computed in patient-specific arteries, with patient-specific blood clots acting as porous media whose porosity increases as the lysis takes place. We propose a local permeability model which allows us to deal with heterogeneous clot composition, as observed in patients. The permeability factor and lysis properties can be specified at each point of the clot, and yield a realistic global behavior, even during the lysis regime.
TimeMonday, 5 July 202116:00 - 16:30 CEST
LocationHenry Dunant
Event Type
CS and Math
Chemistry and Materials
Life Sciences