
Minisymposium: Data Movement Orchestration on HPC Systems
Event TypeMinisymposium
CS and Math
TimeTuesday, 6 July 202114:00 - 16:00 CEST
LocationMère Royaume
DescriptionThe next HPC systems are expected to feature millions of cores leading to more parallelism for large-scale simulations and workflows in varied scientific domains. However, there is a price to pay: the gap between computing power and data movement performance will keep increasing more and more and will inevitably intensify the bottleneck caused by data movements. Thus, it becomes necessary to consider data movement within those modern architectures at all the stages of the data lifetime and to come up with software components for orchestrating this movement. In particular, we can identify several key aspects among which: data semantics for expressing applications needs and memory abstraction for portability and extendibility given the multiplicity of memory and storage tiers. During this Minisymposium, we will focus on those two facets and present very promising ongoing projects coming from academia and industry proposing to address the data orchestration challenge and facilitate efficient exploitation of future exascale systems. An open discussion with the speakers will close the session.