
Minisymposium: Time Dependent Superfluid Density Functional Theory and Supercomputing: Latest Developments and Challenges
Event TypeMinisymposium
CS and Math
TimeMonday, 5 July 202115:30 - 17:30 CEST
LocationLise Girardin
DescriptionSuperfluidity is a generic feature of many quantum systems at low temperatures. It has been experimentally confirmed in condensed matter systems like 3He and 4He liquids, in nuclear systems including nuclei and neutron stars, in both fermionic and bosonic cold atoms in traps. Superfluids exhibit fascinating dynamical properties. Presently the dynamics can be modelled microscopically via a framework based on the time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT). The superfluid-TDDFT is applicable to a wide range of physical processes involving superfluidity including simulations of nuclear reactions (fission/fusion), modeling the superfluid interior of neutron stars, and dynamics of ultracold atomic gases (quantum turbulence, dynamics of topological excitations). Since superfluidity is an emergent phenomenon, a large number of quantum particles are needed in order to simulate it correctly. It sets high numerical and technical demands for evaluating superfluid-TDDFT with classical computers. This minisymposium will present the most relevant applications of the TDDFT framework achieved with the help of computer systems like Summit (ORNL, USA) and Piz Daint (CSCS, Switzerland) together with the presently utilized numerical and technical solutions. Challenges for future exascale systems in the context of modelling superfluidity/superconductivity will be also highlighted.