Best Paper

The goal of the PASC Conference papers program is to advance the quality of scientific communication between various disciplines of computational science and engineering in the context of high performance computing. Seventeen full papers will be published in the Proceedings of the PASC Conference (PASC21), describing high-quality contributions of original research related to scientific computing in a variety of different disciplines.

The best paper prize was awarded to Rahul Bale and colleagues from RIKEN, Kobe University, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Toyohashi University of Technology and Kyoto University for their paper "Simulation of Droplet Dispersion in COVID-19 Type Pandemics on Fugaku". Rahul presented the paper in a plenary session.

Rahul Bale

ACM PASC21 Papers - Plenary
Simulation of Droplet Dispersion in COVID-19 Type Pandemics on Fugaku
Authors: Rahul Bale, Makoto Tsubokura (RIKEN), ChungGang Li (Kobe University), Masashi Yamakawa (Kyoto Institute of Technology), Akiyoshi Iida (Toyohashi University of Technology), Ryoichi Kurose (Kyoto University)

Best Poster

A total of 42 posters were presented at PASC21 from the various scientific disciplines represented at the conference.

Posters play an important role in the conference as they offer the possibility to exchange ideas and expertise within and between scientific fields. Like in previous years, presenters had the opportunity to explain the main idea of their posters to the conference audience in a rapid-fire flash session. During the poster session, attendees had the chance to learn more about the posters and vote for their favourite contribution. The best poster prize was awarded to Sara Faghih-Naini from University of Bayreuth for her poster "Quadrature-Free Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Shallow-Water Equations." Below you will find out more about the PASC21 Best Poster, which has been awarded during the closing session.

Sara Faghih-Naini